Home decorating ideas for finding bedroom home decor for a teenagers bedroom. Ideas for choosing furnishings and accessories for a girls bedroom.
Two of my better furniture finds in bedroom decor for a girls bedroom
Keeping organized in a bedroom especially a teenagers bedroom is more than a full time job. I have 4 teenagers and it seems the girls are the worst. They never seem to throw anything away and their bedrooms are full of stuff that I don't even know what it is or what it's used for.
The solution to this I have found is two items that I found that they actually use. One is a blanket rack (which they thought was pretty cool) and the other is a corner book case. Let me just add here that I have tried showing them shelves and bookcases for their rooms in the past, but they would just look at them and I don't want shelves for the middle of my wall, it would just get in the way. I shoed them a corner book case that doesn't take up much room and would organize a corner that they just has clutter in. They ageed to this type of shelving and it seems to be working well and their bedrooms are somewhat tidier.
Which brings me back to buying bedroom decor for teenagers. I have found that it's very hard to choose a furniture piece for a older girls bedroom even if you have lived with them since birth. When they were young you could never go wrong with a Disney theme or princess bedroom set but I guess change was inevitable.
I suggest that you listen to their complaints of why their bedroom decor is not working and what they think would make it better.
For instance; my girls kept saying that they didn't like the looks of the room and if they had new furniture maybe they would keep it cleaner. After talking for awhile it was clear that it wasn't really the look of the room but that they had know way of organizing it the way they wanted. By me buying just any shelf unit which I thought good enough, was just adding to the problem. They needed to have something that was out of the way and still be functional. (Like I hadn't mentioned that to them a thousand times)
Other bedroom decorating ideas
For lighting I would always choose a modern style over traditional lamps. If the lamp as three directional bulbs, all the better. Most bedrooms have a ceiling light fixture, you can change this to a ceiling fan that has a light in it. Teens seem to like the airflow more than we do.
Bedding, bed skirts and pillows can be purchased a little easier. You just need to go with their favorite color, the hard part is finding a pattern that they like. Stay away from animal prints and wild geometric shapes, stripes are usually a pretty safe choice as are large squares. To find out more go to bedroom decor ideas. Girls also seem to be very fond of blanket throws. They use these on the bed and out in the family room when watching TV. They almost become a new security blanket like they had as a baby.
To make your bedroom floors more appealing a simple area rug is a good choice, especially if you have laminate or wood floors. Laminate floors in the bedroom also happen to be the best thing if your son or daughter has allergies. There is more information about laminate wood flooring for a bedroom here. This is also a great mother/daughter project to do. I did myself with only a few helpful tips from my husband. For a 10X12 bedroom is only took us 2 days to rip out the old carpet and install the laminate flooring. It turned out to be a lot of fun for both of us. Cost was fairly cheap at only $110.00 dollars.
Shelving should be modular and form part of the bedroom wall décor. This is also a safe purchase for a boys bedroom. Most fit CD’s and DVD’s and could be used to store their favorites. They can show off their more personal collectibles on these wall shelves.
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